Graphic design isn’t the single most important aspect of your company, but it is crucial to your SEO! Of course, the quality of your products or services is instrumental to your sales and the growth of your customer base, but relying on them alone won’t get you far.
Never underestimate the power of visual storytelling—the right blend of design elements could be the difference between a failing and successful company. If you want to increase visibility and build brand loyalty through SEO, you must invest in excellent graphic design across all digital channels!
Here are some of the reasons below why graphic design matters to your SEO:
1. Good Design Attracts Viewers
Would you stay on a website that looks clunky, has poorly positioned content, and is designed with awkward graphics? Just like you don’t have the patience to navigate an eyesore of a website, your target audience won’t either! If your website is poorly designed, there’s no use in investing in SEO to increase visibility if visitors won’t explore your site’s pages.
A good user experience is excellent for SEO—you must consider how well the images, logos, banners, typefaces, and colours work together in designing your website. When all website elements work well with the SEO strategy, website visitors will be more inclined to stay on your site, read your content, and may even return!
2. Mobile-Friendly Design Means More Users
The future is mobile! With smartphones becoming more sophisticated, consumers use their devices to do most of everything, from shopping for groceries and making payments to searching for various brands and browsing websites.
Given the increased smartphone use, you must keep in mind how your website looks on smaller screens to ensure a good user experience. Besides providing that your website looks good on a computer screen, it’s also crucial to determine whether the design elements of your site are where they should be on smaller screens.
No one will switch to a computer just to view a website, so you have to adapt! The graphic design of your website should easily translate onto mobile devices so that you can remain relevant and compete with other companies gearing toward mobile use.
3. Excellent Web Design Present the Right Image
Graphic design is vital to visual storytelling—how your website looks will reflect an image to your audience, whether positive or negative. Just the wrong font could severely impact your brand’s reputation; unreadable SEO content makes for a terrible user experience and a negative image of your organisation.
The first impression is everything! Suppose you want to acquire and retain more customers. In that case, you must make sure that you have the right colours, typefaces, layout, and other design elements so that visitors will have a positive association with your business.
SEO can only do so much. The best SEO practices may get customers to visit your site, but they’ll leave and move to another website if you have poorly executed visuals. Graphic design is vital to your SEO—all it takes is the correct elements to improve your image and draw more customers in. As long as you work with a reputable graphic design agency, you’re sure to gain SEO success and grow your business!
Are you looking for the best graphic design agency in Melbourne? Then, our team of creatives at Studio Lore may just be who you need for the job! From websites to content creation for your entire organisation that tells your story. We use our imagination to instil delight and facilitate our clients’ visions to come to life. Connect with us today to get started!